Canadian Immigration Lawyer Directory Online Signup

This signup pertains to the website and is only available to Canadian Immigration Lawyers and Law Firms providing immigration law services.
Fields indicated with * are required.
Please let us know who we should contact regarding this directory listing.
Contact Information
Contact Name:   *
Contact Phone:   *
Email Address:   *
Please provide the information exactly as you would like it to appear in your directory entry.
Directory Information
Name of Firm:   *
Street Address & Unit:   *
City:   *
Province:   *
Postal Code:   *
Business Phone:   *
Website Address: 
Short Ad Text: 
Listing Email Address: 
Primary Listing Category:   *
Listing type:  Featured Listing (Blue Listing - $499/Year)
 Enhanced Listing (Yellow Listing - $299/Year)
 Other Immigration Lawyers (White Listing - $99 One Time)
 I am interested in showing a custom popup infobox on my firm's listing (from $49/year)