Immigrants Admitted as Permanent Residents to Canada in 2012

Immigration Type Immigrants 2012
Federal Skilled Workers 57213
Federal Business 5446
Canadian Experience Class 9359
Live-in Caregivers 9012
Quebec-selected Skilled Workers 34256
Quebec-selected Business 4634
Provincial and Territorial Nominees 40899
Total Economic Class 160819

Spouses, Partners and ChildrenTable 43193
Parents and Grandparents 21815
Total Family Class 65008

Government-assisted Refugees 5430
Privately Sponsored Refugees 4220
Protected Persons in Canada (PPiC) 8586
Dependants Abroad 4858
Total Protected Persons 23094

Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds 8894
Permit Holders 67
Category Not Stated 5

Total 2012 Permanent Residents Admitted 257887